AG William Barr Calls Into The Buck Sexton Show

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Attorney General William Barr called into The Buck Sexton Show today to discuss a wide variety of topics, including law enforcement issues happening across the country, the Durham report, the ongoing prosecution of General Flynn, the need for reform at the FBI, and more. The interview aired on The Buck Sexton Show on iHeartMedia’s 710 WOR today, August 12, and can also be heard during the first hour of the Ƶ-syndicated show tomorrow, August 13.

Below are some highlights from the conversation, which can be heard .

On the Democrats being unwilling to condemn violence:

Barr: “This is the first time I've seen leadership of a political party, in this case, the Democratic Party, not willing to condemn violence. They're silent as the violence, they’re silent as to the burning down - of attempts to burn down federal courthouses. And then many of the local leaders are silent on the violence and are trying to hide the violence, suggesting that there is no violence going on, that these are peaceful demonstrators. And a number of them are refusing to work cooperatively with the federal government.”

On the status of the Durham report on the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation:

Barr:…we are going to proceed with this investigation and not put it on hold right now during the election season. And, you know, we're all aware of the calendar and, you know, we're not going to do anything for the purposes of affecting an election. But, you know, we are trying to get some things accomplished before the election.”

When asked by Sexton if the investigation was in the latter stages, Barr responded, “I'm not going to comment. I'm just going, you know, there are some things we would like to get accomplished before the election as soon as we can.”

On the ongoing prosecution of General Flynn:

Barr: “Ħit's very clear that there is just voluminous evidence that was never turned over to Flynn or Flynn's lawyers that show that the FBI did not believe he was a Russian agent, did not believe that he had lied and that the basis for the interview was not linked to any bona fide investigative purpose that the FBI had. So given those factors and the conducts of the FBI, I exercised my discretion to say we were not going to proceed with this case. And I think at the end of the day, that decision will stand.”

On possible reform of the FBI and intelligence community:

Barr: “I do think that there has to be some changes and reforms made, and I don't think the election season is the time to be doing that. So I'm keeping a careful watch on some of the things that I felt contributed to the abuses in the past. I know the director of the FBI also has a number of ideas as to checks and balances that can be put into this system. And we talk about this. In fact, I talked about it with him this morning, some ideas for putting additional safeguards in place. And I think once the political season is over, we'll move forward very aggressively to do what we can administratively within the executive branch to put additional safeguards in place. I'm not sure any statutory changes are necessary at this stage, but I think we can do a lot with administrative changes.”

On protecting people’s constitutional rights during the pandemic:

Barr: “Ħwe have entered some litigation going forward and have been successful in some places. But actually we've made most progress by writing letters to the governor, suggesting we might bring litigation and pointing out why we have a problem with what they're doing. And in most cases, they've been changing their rules and following our advice. So we are still doing that. And as the situation goes forward, as things continue to develop, as therapeutics become better, as the incidence is reduced and so forth. You know, there should be a corresponding change of loosening up of these restrictions. And if we see restrictions that are continuing that are not reasonably justified, we'll challenge them.”

About The Buck Sexton Show:

Each day on The Buck Sexton Show, Sexton discusses the important news, information and events that matter most to the daily lives of Americans. From national securityand politics, to entertainment and business, Buck shares his razor sharp, passionate takes on the latest local, national and global headlines, and welcomes a variety of key guests and experts that appeal to all listeners. Reaching 160 affiliates nationwide, The Buck Sexton Show broadcastsweekdays from 3 - 6 p.m. PT/6 - 9 p.m. ET. It can also be heard on, the iHeartRadio mobile app, and . To download a photo of Buck Sexton, click .

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