Punch up your production with INVASION 2.0, the CHR powerhouse focused on in show bits, parodies, fun morning promos and artists-music highlights. Invasion 2.0 is a continues stream of FUN production elements all with a focus on Mornings and Music production.

INVASION 2.0Ìý´Ú±ð²¹³Ù³Ü°ù±ð²õ:

  • INV (Anti-Jingle) - Fun promos/show bits/parodies
  • INV (Artist Liners) - Popular artist liners CHR-AC
  • INV (Drops) - Timely fun Holiday and Topical
  • INV (Production Music) - CHR-AC-Hip-Hop Beds
  • INV (Promo Shell) - Short Beds and BumpsÌý
  • INV (Sounder/Stager) - Swishes Zaps and punctuators
  • INV BITS (Comedy) - Funny Bits-Gags
  • INV (Produced Promo) - Branded Intro TopicalÌý

